Decorative Concrete Overlays

Decorative Concrete


For years now, the best we could hope for with driveways was to get them power washed but driveways always seem to be ugly with oil stains and tire marks, chips and cracks. Using a decorative concrete overlay, your driveway no longer has to be that ugly oil stain.  Concrete overlays are bonded on a molecular level and will give you years of durability and beauty with minimal maintenance.  Choose from dozens of colors and literally unlimited design options. From intricate patterns to faux brick borders. Your decorative concrete overlay will be oil and chemical resistant as well as being able to handle vehicle traffic with no problem at all. Throw in a slip resistant surface and you've got a real winner.

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Whether it's a small patio or a large backyard oasis, Doing a decorative concrete overlay is a really smart choice. With its durable finish and non slip surface, You will get years of enjoyment. Imagine having friends and family over to be able to enjoy your new patio area. 

 Backyards aren't just for the occasional barbecue anymore, They are being designed to be our backyard oasis loaded with lots of modern conveniences and decorating flair.

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Walkways are an extremely popular option these days. From the sidewalk to the door without the eyesore of just plain concrete like every other house on the block, now your home will stand out with an inviting walkway to welcome guests as they come to your home.

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